April 23, 2005

"Deception" Dan

Finished Dan Brown's 'Deception Point' today. Again, it was a marathon reading - I couldn't afford to give the book more than to-day, as it would eat into my study time (if you are searching for logic here, you are doomed ...).

It's a nice book, and although the plot is again mostly predictable, it is predictable in a way you (or rather I) would want it to be, which kept me glued to the book. The one or two real twists that do come up are too comic-book-dramatic to be believable.

Dan Brown is not a very popular figure in my college. There is this friend who argued that if Dan Brown wants to publish a bunch of lies, he shouldn't mix it up with true facts. The reference was to Dannie's 'Da Vinci Code'. I told her that she was wrong. The book clearly states that it's fiction, and as Steven Spielberg had said - If you want to sell a story, make everything else around it as real as possible. I was discussing this with Pascal today, and although I think I discussed this matter in a rather improper way, he would largely agree with me.

As an other friend, Adil, put it - don't blame the shopkeeper for selling junk you don't need, blame yourself for buying it.

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