February 25, 2005

God, or no God?

I just finished reading Stephen Hawking's 'A brief History of Time'. Excellent book, people should write more like those ... or maybe I just haven't read enough books.

Among other things, the book rekindled my long lost love for physics. I used to spend hours in the 11th and 12th thinking about why things are the way they are, and I was lucky to have really good teachers at that time, who used to answer my questions. I used to come with so many theories ... trivial, yes, but important to me nevertheless. I have forgotten most of them now, but I don't think I am missing out on any Nobels!

Also, the world-renowned physicist carefully separates those theories that support the existence of God from those that don't. Personally, I have always been on a see-saw in this matter, so I wont make any comments. I am too confused myself, and this book didn't do anything to help me. But it did make me realize that nothing can be branded as un-scientific, not even the question of the existence of God. In fact, the Church routinely inspects new scientific theories and separates those that support the existence of God from those that don't. And scientists, while researching, keep in mind which concepts support the existence of God and which don't. In fact, some even reject theories based on the direction they take!

It really doesn't matter to me. Work is worship. God or no God, that remains my policy.