February 23, 2009

`calculable' textboxes using jquery

Here's some code to make your textboxes calculable. Demonstration here.

(function($) {
            $.fn.calculable = function() {
                return this.each(function() {
                    $(this).focus(function(e) {
                        var expr = $(this).attr('calcExpr');
                        if (expr) {
                    }); // end focus
                    $(this).blur(function(e) {
                        try {
                            var expr = $(this).val();
                            var calculated = eval('with(Math){'+expr+'}');

                            $(this).attr('calcExpr', expr);
                        catch (e) {
                            $(this).attr('calcExpr', '');
                    }); // end blur
                }); // end each

Yes, it uses eval. Doesn't evaluate on initial load. Provides no way to post the expression to the backend.

Expect improvements, and submit patches, once this goes into source control.

edit: Now available in a github repository.