November 03, 2004

Bush on the rampage

Damn !! Bush is winning. Not that I have anything against him. I am not even a Kerry supporter. I am least bothered about American politics, their policies will continue to SUCK no matter who is there at the top.

But it feels so nice to root for the supposed underdog, doesn't it? Why do we like the David and Goliath story? Because we like the notion of people overcoming difficulties, no matter how large they are. We all like to believe we'll succeed against all odds. Bollywood thrives on it - it's the quintessential Bollywood hero theme. Leaders (religious / political / social) also milk people using the concept of hope.

Hope. That's the word that keeps us going. It keeps the world ticking. If it weren't for hope, we wouldn't have the light bulb, or the telephone, or any of these things that we see around us. Damn, we wouldn't even be a free country, if our leaders wouldn't hope for it.

At least, hope is what I think is keeping ME going these days. I am lagging way behind in my studies ... but ... hum honge kamayab. Wish me luck, people. And best of luck to you too - in whatever it is that you are doing.

PS : Kerry was not an underdog, really. But I do believe the odds were stacked against him. American history has shown that a President usually gets re-elected for a second term. And if I were an American, I would probably have voted for Bush too. No one likes to change leadership at difficult times, unless you are sure the new leader is REALLY going to lead you out of trouble. And most Americans feel these are times of trouble for them. They should have a look at what their government has done to other countries.

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