October 15, 2004

Creator? Or Createe?

Ever wonder why people do some things? It amazes you sometimes, the way people make decisions. What is right or wrong anyway? Who decides them? It always turns out that whatever is right is usually what suits you best, caring little about others.

Why, some people would say, hasn't God made all the choices for us? It's all there in the [your-favourite-holy-book]. Well, there again we have something debatable. Did God create humans, or did humans create God? Maybe we had some Neanderthals who couldn't understand Nature around them, so they cooked up a story about some super being that made all the explanations really simple. And thus God was 'created'.

Or maybe it was God who got bored with all the emptiness, and created us in his pass-time. Which REALLY explains why we all are far from perfect ...