May 06, 2005

XP vs. Linux

Here's a mail from Dhruv I received a few days back.

Hello fellow blasphemers.......
I truly deserve to burn in hell for everything I've done today....
Let me explain....

o I've used Windows XP whole of today.

o I've [tried] to study Ooad because of constant taunting and
torturing by Sandesh. So, what o you have to say for yourself Sandesh?

o I've used many features of Yahoo! messenger, including 'invisible
mode', 'stealth setting' [don't worry, I'm not hiding from anyone here
;-) ]. Games, and Launchcast Radio, and I zimbly can't 'Get Over It'.
[yes, even that song!]. I must have heard at least 50 songs by now.
What a fruitful use of bandwidth :d.

o I am now at the stange of appreciating Windows XP!!!! God, please
help me! But fret not Linux patriots, I shall not desert you. 'I'll be
back', with a rebutal that is ;-) Let me add that Sandesh is sgain
responsible for this lin of thought,so any hate mail can be directed
straight to him :-)


Dhruv Matani said...

I'm the culprit who did the unthinkable!

1. Installed WinXP.
2. Used it.

I consider those bytes on my disk which were touched by the FAT32 file system to be unholy, and need to be cleansed and holynessed using some linux partitioning tool. Any ideas anyone?

Dhruv Matani said...

Actually, the experience for the first 24 hrs was good [before Windows was infected by a virus!]. Yes, within 24hrs! You think that is a small amount of time? Think again. A reliable source [one who has incentives to find out these kind of things ;-) ] tells me that WinXP has a record time of 8sec after installation of being infected!

So, 24hrs is like a few thousand lifetimes compared to 8sec.

Dhruv Matani said...

Actually, the virus problem coupled with the fact that WinXP and Win98 had a non-overlapping set of programs that they could run forced me to switch to linux, where:

1. I'm generally free from virus threats.
2. Most useful programs wouk flawlessly.

Dhruv Matani said...

dhruv! why are u writing in pint form! Exams are still not here duh!

Dhruv Matani said...

pint -> point.

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